little fancy ruffle top!

was once a king sized pillowcase
is now a little summery ruffle top!

i'm obsessed with navy blue right now,
and when i found this pillowcase unpacking i thought,
i bet there's enough fabric here for a shirt...
just barely enough!
if i make this style again, i would make it a little wider.
its a little less flowy on the bottom than i was planning.

made the pattern myself, based off another shirt of mine.
it was nice to practice all those patternmaking skills again.
pattern drafting is by far my favorite part of sewing.

more pictures here if you care to see... :]


  1. you are brilliant!! love the shirt. is that your appt in the back ground?????? I'm in love with it too!!! love the floor and the builtins and the archway and those flowy curtains.

  2. THIS WAS A PILLOW CASE? damn, girl. thanks for your lovely comment by the way. your blog is quite amazing as well. :-)

  3. omg i love this shirt! you are so talented!

    that's AMAZING.
    yes. it did require caps.

    how did you do that. it's incredible!

  5. Oh dear. You're one of those. Those sewy-types. /sigh I'm mentally preparing myself to feel inferior. ;)

  6. you are way to talented, I don't even know how to sew....I can't believe you made that from a pillow case!

  7. i am following your blog as in from now on:D so glad to find someone who drafts her own patterns! this looks effortlessly good and refreshing!

  8. that used to be a pillowcase?? It's hard to believe. You are so clever! :)

  9. this is so clever! i want to try it. :)


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