new looks.

the internet at our apartment still hates us,
so i've been spending some quality time at the library,
where they have scanners AND photoshop!
oh happy day!

after a long (but i have to admit fun) night in the library
the blog has a new look.
what do you think?!

i'm also trying to do fun things with my long hair,
(all my fall fashion mags are making me crave something new)
and my desk has been in a perpetual state of artsy mess.
hopefully there will be very exciting things to show you this weekend ;]

i'm excited for a new fall season soon
and am getting ready to make the most of it!


  1. Hi Michael Ann,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today, it's nice to meet you. :)
    I always love seeing the work spaces of other artists and yours is no exception. What are those colorful blocks on top of the paints? I hope you have a creative weekend.

  2. the new design is lovely! i really enjoy your illustrations (per usual)! annnd I think I'm going to give that little braid thing you did a try. my long hair has been driving me crazy, I never know what to do with it!


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