ready for the audience participation part of the confident crafter series?!
every friday for the next month there will be a homework assignment
for you to do over the weekend or next week ahead
that has to do with what we've been talking about that week.
if you want to share a photo of your finished project
or write a blog post about it and want to share the link
i would absolutely love to see what you've done!
please upload your photos, blog post links, or comments about your projects and plans
to the michael ann made facebook page!
i will create a new wall post for every homework assignment,
and you can link and comment to your hearts content straight to that post.
the following thursday of every week,
i would love to feature some of the projects posted on facebook here on the blog!
now how fun will that be to see everyone's progress!!
now for the week one homework assignment - spruce up your space!
do one thing this week to make your crafting work space a little more lovely or usable.
this could be a simple as hanging a few new inspirational pictures
or as complex as cleaning out your entire stack of crafting drawers.
just do one thing to get your space ready for all the crafting we'll be doing next week!
i've started a confident crafter series pinterest board
where i'm stashing all the possible projects i might complete for the homework assignments
so if you need some ideas, check it out!
so get crafting and posting friends and you just might see yourself featured on michael ann made!
have a great weekend!
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thanks for stopping by :]
i love replying to comments, either here or by email.
so be sure to check back if you have a question!